Class representing the AI21 language model. It extends the LLM (Large Language Model) class, providing a standard interface for interacting with the AI21 language model.





CallOptions: BaseLLMCallOptions
ParsedCallOptions: Omit<BaseLLMCallOptions, never>
caller: AsyncCaller

The async caller should be used by subclasses to make any async calls, which will thus benefit from the concurrency and retry logic.

countPenalty: AI21PenaltyData = ...
frequencyPenalty: AI21PenaltyData = ...
maxTokens: number = 1024
minTokens: number = 0
model: string = "j2-jumbo-instruct"
numResults: number = 1
presencePenalty: AI21PenaltyData = ...
temperature: number = 0.7
topP: number = 1
verbose: boolean

Whether to print out response text.

ai21ApiKey?: string
baseUrl?: string
callbacks?: Callbacks
logitBias?: Record<string, number>
metadata?: Record<string, unknown>
stop?: string[]
tags?: string[]


  • get defaultParams(): {
        countPenalty: AI21PenaltyData;
        frequencyPenalty: AI21PenaltyData;
        logitBias: undefined | Record<string, number>;
        maxTokens: number;
        minTokens: number;
        numResults: number;
        presencePenalty: AI21PenaltyData;
        temperature: number;
        topP: number;
  • Get the default parameters for calling AI21 API.

    Returns {
        countPenalty: AI21PenaltyData;
        frequencyPenalty: AI21PenaltyData;
        logitBias: undefined | Record<string, number>;
        maxTokens: number;
        minTokens: number;
        numResults: number;
        presencePenalty: AI21PenaltyData;
        temperature: number;
        topP: number;

    • countPenalty: AI21PenaltyData
    • frequencyPenalty: AI21PenaltyData
    • logitBias: undefined | Record<string, number>
    • maxTokens: number
    • minTokens: number
    • numResults: number
    • presencePenalty: AI21PenaltyData
    • temperature: number
    • topP: number
  • get identifyingParams(): {
        countPenalty: AI21PenaltyData;
        frequencyPenalty: AI21PenaltyData;
        logitBias: undefined | Record<string, number>;
        maxTokens: number;
        minTokens: number;
        model: string;
        numResults: number;
        presencePenalty: AI21PenaltyData;
        temperature: number;
        topP: number;
  • Get the identifying parameters for this LLM.

    Returns {
        countPenalty: AI21PenaltyData;
        frequencyPenalty: AI21PenaltyData;
        logitBias: undefined | Record<string, number>;
        maxTokens: number;
        minTokens: number;
        model: string;
        numResults: number;
        presencePenalty: AI21PenaltyData;
        temperature: number;
        topP: number;

    • countPenalty: AI21PenaltyData
    • frequencyPenalty: AI21PenaltyData
    • logitBias: undefined | Record<string, number>
    • maxTokens: number
    • minTokens: number
    • model: string
    • numResults: number
    • presencePenalty: AI21PenaltyData
    • temperature: number
    • topP: number


  • This method takes an input and options, and returns a string. It converts the input to a prompt value and generates a result based on the prompt.


    Returns Promise<string>

    A string result based on the prompt.

  • This method is similar to call, but it's used for making predictions based on the input text.


    • text: string

      Input text for the prediction.

    • Optional options: string[] | BaseLLMCallOptions

      Options for the LLM call.

    • Optional callbacks: Callbacks

      Callbacks for the LLM call.

    Returns Promise<string>

    A prediction based on the input text.

  • Stream all output from a runnable, as reported to the callback system. This includes all inner runs of LLMs, Retrievers, Tools, etc. Output is streamed as Log objects, which include a list of jsonpatch ops that describe how the state of the run has changed in each step, and the final state of the run. The jsonpatch ops can be applied in order to construct state.


    Returns AsyncGenerator<RunLogPatch, any, unknown>

  • Default implementation of transform, which buffers input and then calls stream. Subclasses should override this method if they can start producing output while input is still being generated.


    Returns AsyncGenerator<string, any, unknown>

  • Method to validate the environment. It checks if the AI21 API key is set. If not, it throws an error.

    Returns void

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